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custom record title using getTitle

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:23 am
by razzetto
hi steve. hi all.

i'm trying to get a custom title for the "current record" in a table (this table is named interviews) .

In this table i have a user_id and this table has a relationship with another table,
where this user_id has a surname, name etc.

now.. i would like, on the interviews table, to show as a title something like :

'interview of'. name and surname corresponding to this user id.

the only thing i guess is that i should use the function (in a delegate class) getTitle.

i tried with this
Code: Select all
class tables_interviews {

   function getTitle(&$record){
      return 'interview of' . $record->val('user_id');

but of course since $record refers to the current record i just get : interview of 1, interview of 2, etc.

Is there a variable i can use instead of $record or i should go for a custom query?

thanks for any hint!

Re: custom record title using getTitle

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:37 am
by shannah
In cases like this, I generally graft the fields that I need onto the table, then use those fields inside the getTitle() method. E.g.
In the fields.ini file for the interviews table:
Code: Select all
__sql__ = "select i.*, as user_first_name, u.surname as user_last_name
               from interviews i
               left join users u on i.user_id=u.user_id"

This will create two read-only fields in the interviews table: user_first_name and user_last_name that you can use just like normal fields. Then your getTitle() method would be like:
Code: Select all
function getTitle($record){
    return 'interview of '.$record->val("user_first_name").' '.$record->val('user_last_name');


Re: custom record title using getTitle

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:04 pm
by razzetto

thanks for your excellent support, steve.
