Could someone help me out with this function?
Another thing i would like is to have buttons on each secton, with a link to the list view of those related tabels (thus eliminating the need for the tabs on top) .
right now ive modified block.collapsible sidebar.php found in xataface/lib/smarty/plugins
- Code: Select all
<h3 class=\"$class\" style=\"padding-left:0; width:100%;
<a href='\{$menu.url\}' />
is the code in dataface_record_template.html
- Code: Select all
{foreach from=$menus item="menu" key="name"}
<a href="{$menu.url}"
onmouseup="if (activeButton != null) resetButton(activeButton);"
<img src="{$menu.icon}"
alt="" width="20" height="20" />
am i even close to the ball??