I recently moved one of my applications to a hosting provider (000domains.com)
The setup is php5, mysql5, apache and both xataface 1.2.6 and 1.3rc3 2167 report that they have been installed properly and all permissions in the templates and templates_c are set properly as well. (from dataface_info.php).
However as soon as I try to run the application I get the following error message:
- Code: Select all
SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM `dataface__view_producers_2af64cb99b8f9e7bceb7f356a3749237` as `producers`
Fatal error: SELECT command denied to user 'u49999_museum'@'%' for column 'producer_id' in table 'producers'SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM `dataface__view_producers_2af64cb99b8f9e7bceb7f356a3749237` as `producers`On line 128 of file /httpdocs/xataface/Dataface/QueryTool.php in function printStackTrace()
On line 531 of file /httpdocs/xataface/Dataface/QueryTool.php in function Dataface_QueryTool(producers,Resource id #10,array(producers,list,list,0,0,30,list))
On line 1280 of file /httpdocs/xataface/Dataface/Application.php in function loadResult(producers,Resource id #10,array(producers,list,list,0,0,30,list))
On line 1309 of file /httpdocs/xataface/Dataface/Application.php in function getResultSet()
On line 1499 of file /httpdocs/xataface/Dataface/Application.php in function getRecord()
On line 1518 of file /httpdocs/xataface/Dataface/QueryTool.php on line 128
I have verified that the user has proper access to the database and so did the tech support of the hosting provider.
Does the format of the username matter ? This was set by the hosting provider. I cannot remove the underscore.
I tried with a shorter username i.e. u49999_m without success.
I have erased all cache/view tables in the database but the error persists.
As i do not have direct access to the webserver logs is there a clue to what may be going wrong ?
Thank you,
p.s. added to this message additional info on the user format.