Customizing the way the list is rendered
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:32 am
Hello, dont delete this I just have a question and clicked delete by incident.
In the documentation I found the info for customizing the way the list is rendered.
I have a table called "customers"
Result: It shows me the data the way I want it.
How can I change the output name to have a link to the EDIT-URL of the record.
I tested:
'<td><a href="???">'.$record->display('name').'</a></td>'.
In the documentation I found the info for customizing the way the list is rendered.
I have a table called "customers"
- Code: Select all
class tables_customers {
function renderRow( &$record ){
return '<td>'.$record->display('name').'</td>'.
Result: It shows me the data the way I want it.
How can I change the output name to have a link to the EDIT-URL of the record.
I tested:
'<td><a href="???">'.$record->display('name').'</a></td>'.