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Missing a File-Manager to choose an uploaded file from

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:37 am
by chichi
Hello, i like xataface. I still have some suggestions for a better file-handling.

.01 File manager
Since I am running a Media-Site with it, I miss a File-manager. It would be great to choose from a dir on the server and place the choosen file-name and path to the input. Is there a way implementing this with ease? With this it would be easier to choose from allready uploaded media-files, instead of uploading them again.

.02 Ajax-Upload
An interesting way to upload files with AJAX would be an Ajax Upload; A file upload script with progress-bar. With this I dont have to mind about uploading serveral bigger files at once. Ajax uploads the file right after choosen it from the harddisc.
Here is an example:

I would love to use some of these functions.

Greetings chichi

Re: Missing a File-Manager to choose an uploaded file from

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:27 am
by shannah
Are you talking about for files that are stored in the table (using the Container field)? Your suggestion is a good one, and nothing currently exists for this. There are some considerations that would have to take place in implementing such a thing to make sure that it keeps security consistent but it could probably be done. Not on the radar right now for me though.

If you are using FCKeditor you can enable its file manager to allow this sort of thing within Wysiwyg fields. See the wiki docs on the htmleditor widget for info on this.