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Multi-page Input Form

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:28 am
by thomas8
Hi there,

I am wondering if and how I can create a multi-page input form.

I have two related tables.
Depending on the settings, a user should enter his previous work experience.
For each former employment, he should have a separate input page.
So, the final form for someone with 2 prior jobs should look like this:
1st page: personal info
2nd page: data for first job
3rd page: data for second job
4th page: confirmation page

Is this possible with Xataface?

Any recommendations on how to do this?



Re: Multi-page Input Form

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:23 am
by shannah
Xataface is flexible enough to adapt to these requirements but it doesn't do this out of the box. Logically each job constitutes its own record, so entering each individual job is no problem (each is just a new record form on the "jobs" table). The trick is stitching them together.

The least amount of work would be to simply set up a relationship from the "people" table to the "jobs" table. Then a user would fill in a new record of the "people" table (this would constitute his personal info). When he hits save, the the people record would be created and you would see the "jobs" or "Work experience" tab at the top of the page, where he could enter in each of his past jobs.

Adding a layer of creativity on top of this, you can use the after_action_new (or other) trigger to redirect the user directly to the job form after completing personal info... or just add a prominent message guiding them to the logical next step.

There's quite a few things you can do with delegate classes, blocks, slots, and triggers to customize the flow to your liking.