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width of advmultiselect widget

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:24 pm
by omills

How can I increase the width (ie columns) of the advmultiselect widget ? Its seems to set it randomly.. I tried to look into widget:atts:cols or :width but none worked. Only widget:atts:size worked for sizing the rows.



Re: width of advmultiselect widget

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:48 am
by shannah
Try using widget:atts:style="..." and add CSS rules in there.
Code: Select all
widget:atts:style="width: 200px"

Haven't tried this myself as the advmultiselect widget is a bit of a different animal. You may have to just look at the HTML as it is rendered, then add appropriate rules to your stylesheet to adjust the sizing of the parts of it.