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many-to-many with relationship on table with blob file

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:11 am
by fantomasdm
Hi, When I try to add new relative record on a table that have a blob field, __filename and mimetype isn't fill!!
If I add directly, without using relation all works...
P.S...Sorry for my English, but it's not my fault, I'm Italian..

Re: many-to-many with relationship on table with blob file

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:38 am
by fantomasdm
Hi, found error...
in file: ShortRelatedRecordForm.php
on line 608 change
Code: Select all
$colVals[ $this->_relationshipName.'.'.$metaKey ] = $metaValue;

Code: Select all
$abs_metaField = $this->_parentTable->absoluteFieldName($metaKey, $this->_relationship->_schema['selected_tables']);
$colVals[ $abs_metaField ] = $metaValue;

Questo รจ stato difficile da trovare!!!
This was difficult to find!!

Re: many-to-many with relationship on table with blob file

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:31 am
by shannah
Thanks. I'll add this change to the trunk so it will be included in the next release.