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Issues with Grid after upgradeing to 1.2.2 [Solved]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:12 pm
by jhenry
I am having a problem with a grid entry after upgrading to 1.2.2. I also made a change to the entry form that contains the grid that seperates the grid on a different tab through the fields.ini file. It still shows up but it does not automatically add a field once data is entered into the first one and it is not saving the data entered into the grid. I have also lost the icons for delete after the grid entry.



Re: Issues with Grid after upgradeing to 1.2.2

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:41 am
by Jean
Which PHP version do you have ? Is it PHP 4 ?

Re: Issues with Grid after upgradeing to 1.2.2 [Solved]

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:20 am
by jhenry
I have PHP5 but I was able to get it working again. I am not sure how but it looked like it started working after I edited the transient=1 directive in the fields.ini and put a space before/after the = sign. After I made this change I redid the upgrade and re-initiated the tabs for the form and it all worked. Not sure why but all is well now. Thanks for the assistance.
