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PDF created on the fly
Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:10 am
by tomhousley
Two questions:
i) Is there is way build into xataface to create PDFs on the fly from xataface records?
ii) If there is not, does anyone have any experience of integrating anything like FPDF or R&OS ?
Many thanks, Tom
Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:26 pm
by shannah
Currently there isn't anything built into Xataface to generate PDFs, but there is no reason why custom action couldn't be created to do this. What kin of PDFs did you want to generate? E.g. just a PDF of the list tab, or something more complex?
Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:14 pm
by fantomasdm
I'm using tcpdf, it's good....and it is develop by an Italian.....
Re: PDF created on the fly
Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:38 pm
by cookie720
Im using TCPDF, it seems promising.
Is it the same files as fpdf? with actions.ini creating the button and linking it to print_this_action.php which calls tcpdf?
If someone could show me an example of what to put in the txpdf_config.php to create pdfs that would be great.
I would like probably forstarters want the pdf to print out the fields that are visible in whatever display view the user is currently on