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values not displaying for checkbox set

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:07 pm
by ststoddard
I have an issue with an instance of xataface not displaying values for a field. This fields is type 'text' to which I assign multiple values (potentially) using checkboxes and a valuelist. So I get things like 'A, B' or 'A, C, D' depending on what a user selects. The problem is, however, that all the values do not display after selecting them. So in the database the values shown are 'A,B,C' but in Xataface I see only 'C'.

To add to the confusion: I have 2 servers mirroring the same data and the exact same Xataface configuration. On one server, everything works fine. On the other, it does not.

I tried reverting to xataface 1beta2, but this had no effect.

I am not quite sure how or why this would happen, any suggestions would be appreciated.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:42 pm
by shannah
Strange... especially that it works in one setup but not another.

One thing to note is that Xataface delmits multiple values using new lines, so it should be stored in the db as

rather than A,C,D.

One thing you can explicitly do to make sure that Xataface is treating the field as a repeated value (multi values) is to add
Code: Select all

to the fields.ini section for your field.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:58 pm
by deswong
I've had this problem as well.

I spent a while making sure that my valueslist.ini SQL query was correct, and couldn't work it out.

For some odd reason deleting the entry in fields.ini, saving it and then re-typing it back in solved the issue.