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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:23 am
by chrisc
Please help!

I am very much a novice using PHP and selected Dataface as a tool to hopefully help me create front ends for my MySql databases.

The installation details in the 'Readme' file indicates that you should make the dataface/Dataface/templates_c directory writable by the web server. I do not have a templates_c directory, do you create this manually?

I'm using PHP v5.2.1 running on an Apache server - Server API v2.0. I used a tool called Xampp which set-up Apache, PHP and MySql system. I do not know any command line functions, how do you make the dataface/Dataface/templates_c directory writable on a Apache Server?


PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:39 am
by shannah
Strange that you do not have this. If it is not there, then, yes, create it and make it writable.
One way to make it writable is to do
chmod 0777 /path/to/templates_c
