Hi Steve,
i would like to make all records of one table only editable by admins not by editUsers.
So I was wondering if I could do this easyly in my tables actions.ini or do i have to write a function in my tables DelegateClass anyway?
I looked at the action [edit] in actions.ini of DF copied this piece to my tables actions.ini and it looks like this:
;; Edit the details of the current record.
label = Edit
url = "{$this->url('-action=edit&-relationship=')}"
template = Dataface_Edit_Record.html
mode = browse
category = record_tabs
selected_condition = "$query['-action'] == 'edit'"
permission = view
So maybe I can change something here to make the records of this table only editable for Admin users?
The other way in the tables delegate class I think I can do on my own.
This was a question to just get to know a little bit more about the actions.ini
Thank you