Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:05 am
by cbovio
i would like define order of added fields, is it possible ?
I've added at top of fields.ini :
__sql__ = "select p.*, n.libelle as p_libelle from Prestations p left join Nomenclature n on p.nomenclature=n.code"
then i've try order (6th for my needs, other orders are OK) with :
widget:label = "LibellŽ / prestation"
But no result, added field is at end of list.
Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:46 am
by shannah
The current release doesn't allow you to do this.Ê However in the new version (0.7) which is yet unreleased, there is much better support for calculated fields and will allow what you are trying to do. I am still developing some tests for 0.7 but it will be released very soon.
Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:29 am
by cbovio
any date for 0.7 release ?
I've a bug with this __sql__ at top of fields.ini : when i delete a record, i've the following error :
Fatal error: [pear_error: message="Failed to delete record Demande numero 17 because of an sql error. " code=321 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] in /var/www/html/dataface/Dataface/Application.php on line 1202
if i remove this __sql__ , no error, delete is OK.
Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:27 am
by shannah
Yes... the delete bug is also fixed in version 0.7...
I may put out a pre-release today.
New bigÊ features:
- support for modules
- support for themes
- preliminary support for storing ALL config in database - though i haven't created forms to be able to work with this yet.
- all strings pulled out into en.ini file so that they can be translated easier (german, italian, french, and chinese translations are in the works - thanks to the volunteers who are working on those).
- Better support for custom sql for tables... (support for __sql__() method in delegate class that allows you to define the sql in PHP so that different SQL can be used for different circumstances).
- update and copy support to be able to update and copy multiple records at once.
- For people with the query translation extension: translation versioning and workflow state is supported to keep track of the state of a translation (e.g. machine translation, out of date, human translation, etc...)
- additional delegate class methods such as %fieldname%__renderCell() which allows you to override what appears in the list view for particular fields.
- Selectable list view : in list view each row now has a checkbox beside it.. you can check multiple records at once and perform actions to them all like: update or copy - and you can develop your own actions to act on the selected records.
- Numerous big fixes.
Before the full release I still need to set up a number of tests and add a few more features ... but this will give something to play with.