Put a face on your database
I apologize for the scanty documentation of delegate class methods... The idea is that they should all be documented here ( but unfortunately I haven't had time to get around to it...
Here's a quick list of some methods you can implement (off the top of my head)
%fieldname%__htmlValue(&$record) : for the html value of a field (used in 'view' tab)
%fieldname%__permissions(&$record) : field specific permissions (overrides permissions in getPermissions() for that field)
%fieldname%__display(&$record) : customize display (used anywhere the field is displayed in the app)
field__%fieldname%(&$record) : a calculated field
block__%blockname%() : Inserts content into a {block} or {slot} tag in the UI.
beforeSave(&$record) : called before a record is saved
afterSave(&$record) : called after a record is saved
beforeInsert(&$record): called before record is inserted
afterInsert(&$record): called after record is inserted
beforeUpdate(&$record): called before record is updated
afterUpdate(&$record): called after record is updated
.. there are more triggers too for after actions are performed.
getTitle(&$record) : gets the title of a record
titleColumn() : gets the name of the column that should be treated as the title column for the table
There are more methods than this but these are the main ones.
Best regards