For the first request, two things you have to do to hide a field
In your apps directory add a directory called tables then add a directory for each tablename like so:
If you are running your app in windows the capitalization does not matter. But in OSX and Linux it will matter. So if your table name has caps in MySQL make sure they are the same in the folders. Even in windows I do this, just in case I move the structure to a Linux system.
Then in each table directory create a file called fields.ini. In fields ini to hide your ID field do this:
widget:type = hidden
visibility:list = hidden
This must be done for each table you have. We've discussed a global fields.ini in the past. Hopefully it can be implemented soon. Then you would only need it in your apps folder.
Next the issue with it showing up as text and no tabs or styles is a CSS issue. Make sure that your index.php has the following code:
require_once '/FILESYSTEM_path_to_dataface/dataface/dataface-public-api.php';
ON WINDOWS THIS MIGHT LOOK LIKE 'C:\Program Files\XAMPP\htdocs\dataface.0.6.3r2\dataface-public-api.php';
ON LINUX THIS MIGHT LOOK LIKE '/home/yourusername/somedirectory/dataface.0.6.3r2/dataface-public-api.php';
// include the initialization file
df_init(__FILE__, 'DOMAIN/dataface/');
// initialize the site
This might be as simple as 'somedomain/dataface.0.6.3r2/');
or even better if dataface is stored directly in a folder on root in your server '/dataface/');
or lets say you store all your libraries in a lib folder then it would be '/lib/dataface/')
The key here is to understand that you want to give a RELATIVE path if at all possible to dataface. This is relative from your apps URL. Thus if your app is then the dataface might be or just /dataface/ or something similar. Whatever the name of your dataface folder is.
However, let us say you were storing your dataface on another domain such as And your app was still on Well you could still access dataface from ''); but some parts of it like the FCKeditor and CSS would probably be broken.
So try that first..make sure your dataface app and your dataface directory are on the same domain. Then make sure you point to it that way...and lastly make sure that you give the exact SYSTEM folder to dataface.
Hope that helps