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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:34 am
by Aoirthoir
Whenever I use the code pre combination, I get extra lines ..not sure what I am doing wrong..

example paste from this site:

Code: Select all
You may have tried to use a view in Dataface by simply
treating the view as if it was a table. You probably
would have found that it doesn't quite work. Perhaps
you only see the first row of the view in the list
tab - or perhaps it didn't work at all. This is because
Dataface depends heavily on primary keys to be able to
identify records of a table uniquely, and MySQL doesn't
provide information about which columns of a view are
part of the primary key.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:36 am
by Aoirthoir
It happens anytime there is an enter after the text so it must be putting in an extra br /