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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:33 pm
by Aoirthoir
Based on the last post...I got to thinking, it would be good to see live examples of a lot of this stuff. I am willing to host it at my server space. So for instance Mr. Steve, that section you just put in about parent/child relationships. I am not following exactly. Tomorrow I might experiment with it and see what comes what. ((Too tired to do so now accurately)).

But what if we had a site with alllll of these examples already up. No one could necessarily touch the code, but they could look at it. Perhaps with a link on the providing page. So let's say we have a Page on setting up a user authentication. So they click the page and see that. Then there is a link on there providing the code. Or maybe it is right in the page itself.

Then you have a page on how to change the look of dataface. Click, there is the old and the new.

We could also start to play with the templates, and the CSS. If we find looks that we like, in they go. Then folks could start to share resources. If someone is really good at designing graphically, they can lay it out. Then we can combine it using the smarty or CSS and everyone would be able to use it.

Like I'd like a page to display dataface records, where it looked like a form. My Tasks project is a good example. Right now in dataface it displays as a table. But really that is just a plone thing. So by changing that or starting from scratch, I could make it appear to be a checklist. Then I could print it out. Say mostly white, black font, with an HR type line between each item.

Myself I am more of a data fella. So I'd be happy to concentrate on that. Others could concentrate on what they do well. Cause as I see it, dataface is gonna explode even more than it has. There isnt anything this good and simple and FAST out there at all. Now things like the ini choices that youve created, the delegate classes, the smarty extensions, all of it, give us all a LOT of choices to modify dataface. bla bla..i am rambling now..cause I am tired (130am here)....

Anyhow the point I am saying here is..we could create a place where we could all start to trade these things. And a couple of us could start it out with live samples on the web. So people can go to it and see how it is supposed to look.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:46 pm
by shannah
This sounds like a great idea.

A 3 frame demo would be good.

Screen has upper and lower frame. Lower fram shows the finished App. Upper frame shows the fields.ini file (that can be edited.. when saved, the updated App is shown in the lower frame).

It would be a lot of work.. but certainly useful.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:23 am
by Aoirthoir
Excellent idea. Frames will be easiest and best. Also it would be nice to set up a userspace for each user. That way we could have the option to view the correct output..and their output. And it would not interfer with anyone else's space.

But I wouldnt let them create directories and such. ..OK I have to think a bit about it..but I really like that Idea Mr. Steve.

The left could be a tree structure..just links below links..of the file system. Basically. With tutorials already mapped out. With a link saying..view mine, view correct..or something like that.