help with design
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ok, yes, my field is named 'ID'. i tried the key=PRI under my fields.ini, and it still doesnt work for some odd reason once i get onto my linuix machine ill give you my fields.ini
ok, it isnt working. its only one field that is the primary key, and its named ID. here is my fields.ini:
[ID] Key = PRI widget:type = hidden visibility:list = hidden maybe this helps
Some answers to the following will help me to know where your app is going wrong:
1. What is the name of the view? 2. What is the vew definition? (i.e. the SQL query) 3. What is the path (relative to your application root) to your fields.ini file for the view. 4. If the name of your view is 'myview', run the following query in mysql and provide the output: show columns from `myview` I should be able to detect the problem given the results of the above questions. -Steve
ok, the name of the view is simply "view", im unsure about the query at this time, the directories go
|--- <---dataface folder |--- <---application |---------fields.ini
Perhaps give 0.6.9 (the latest) a try... Joseph (Aoirthoir) has played around with views a little bit with this version and they seem to work for most things...
nevermind, i figured out i didnt have a fields.ini for the view, named "view", only for the table called "products", so i guess i was experiencing an ID-10t error lol. all fixed now!! thank you very much
ok thanks, i didnt think about that. now, i dont want to start threadjacking, but i figured this was an appropriate question to "help with design", ive read over the docs on templates, but im lost. i want to change the color scheme from blue grey and green to a red, grey, and white. ive looked through the templates, but i cannot figure out how to change any of
This change would be made using CSS. All of this is defined in the plone.css file.
You can override these styles by adding your own style sheet in the custom_stylesheets slot as follows: 1. Create a stylesheet for your application. You can call it anything, but let's call it styles.css and place it in the top level of your application's directory. 2. Override the custom_stylesheets slot of the MainTemplate by defining the block__custom_stylesheets() method in your application's delegate class as follows:
3. Finally, define the appropriate styles in your styles.css file. Hope this helps a little. Best regards Steve
I do the same thing but right within the plone.css itself. Simply add the following code:
@import url(filename.css); Do this for each of the CSS files you want to add. Then within the CSS file change whatever you want. However, the method Mr. Steve directed above works if you want different styles for each of your apps. Since I am storing my Dataface in a central location and using soft links to point to that one DF install from each of my domains, then all of them would use the modifications in my method. In Mr. Steve? method, each app could have its own additional CSS styles.
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