I'm just starting out with Xataface and I'm wondering if it has the capability to handle a particular type of display.
Sorry if this is a bit long winded..
I have 2 tables joined via a table holding keys to both of the other indexes. eg standard many to many / junction table et al..
One table contains information regarding a specific Board (BoardItem) and the other table contains modifications to be applied to specific revisions of a board (BoardModifications).
There is also a Revision Table (BoardRevisions) which is a field of both the BoardItem and the Board Modification..
Now a modification is to be applied to all BoardItems that are of a certain revision.
Now what I'd like is when I go into the relationships for the BoardItems<->BoardModifications join I see a list of the modifications filtered for the currents boards revision.
And a field stating if it has been done or not (in this case a date field that is part of the join table or say a null entry indicating that no join exists between the mod and this particular board.)
The select statement to view such a list is something like this:
SELECT BI.Id, BI.fk_BoardRevisionId As Board_Revision, BM.Id, BM.Title As ModificationTitle,
(SELECT BMBI.DateCompleted FROM BoardItems_BoardModifications BMBI
WHERE ((BMBI.fk_BoardItemId = BI.Id) AND (BMBI.fk_BoardModificationId = BM.Id))
) AS DateCompleted
FROM BoardItems BI, BoardModifications BM
WHERE (BI.fk_BoardRevisionId = BM.fk_BoardRevId)
would give:
1,1,2,"Test2","2012-08-20 01:44:00"
showing a null entry for DateCompleted where the join didn't exist..
However such a statement doesn't allow you to create the join..
Clicking on the row in Xataface should bring up the information in the join table so the user can say they completed that modification for that board and add any additional notes etc specifically for that change...
I'm not sure if it is even possible to do this in the framework..?
I've added a diagram showing the relationships..
and sorry if this doesn't make sense at all..