This is a formatting issue I need help to resolve. I'm using TinyMCE as the editor along with the imagemanager plugin. It took awhile, but I've finally gotten the thing to work and upload images correctly. However, upon insert into the document, imagemanager inserts a thumbnail rather than the full image. According to the Moxie support forum this behaviour can be changed by adding the following to the TinyMCE init in fields.ini:
imagemanager_insert_template : '<img src="{$url}" width="{$custom.width}" height="{$custom.height}" />'
However, I've haven't been able to figure out how to format it as a widget attribute. I've tried the following to no avail:
widget:imagemanager_insert_template = <img src="{$url}" width="{$custom.width}" height="{$custom.height}" />
widget:theme_advanced_imagemanager_insert_template = <img src="{$url}" width="{$custom.width}" height="{$custom.height}" />
What do I need to do here? Thanks.