prev_link next_link but first and last not exist

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prev_link next_link but first and last not exist

Postby guytarr » Fri May 15, 2009 8:37 am

Hello Shannah;
I m looking for a tip :
How to add first and last with prev_link and last_link with the jump menu ?
In Skintool.php, i see


Second point :
How can i make an alphabetical pagination in replacement of numerical pagination, with the first letter of the record of the page.

Is that possible to have a drop down menu for the number of items to show ?

And last one : Where is your blog, it's unreachable...

Thanks you for your great apps !
Sorry for my poor frenchglish
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:08 am

Postby shannah » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:38 am

How to add first and last with prev_link and last_link with the jump menu ?

Currently this is not built in. Possibly in future versions.

How can i make an alphabetical pagination in replacement of numerical pagination, with the first letter of the record of the page.

This would have to be a custom bit of code by you, and it might prove a bit tricky.... can't really give you a one liner that is going to do the trick.

Is that possible to have a drop down menu for the number of items to show ?

Yes. Possible, but you'd have to generate that list yourself. The key is that the '-limit' GET parameter is how you set how many records to show per page. E.g. -limit=10 would show 10 records per page.

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