Hi Markus,
If the order= isn't working, then I'll have to look into this..
As far as the dummy relationship goes, just try making a relationship (on any table) such that the __sql__ attribute of the relationship is your SQL query. Then you can try adding new records to this relationship. This won't really help for editing though.
The next version of dataface has quite a few new features for being able to edit fields from multiple tables on a single form. It will be available in the next couple of months.
Hi Steve,
thank you for your answer. I have a few more qiuestions though. If you can mananage to get the order= thing running for the external fields from the JOIN Query would be great. Please tell me how it goes on with this topic. And of course I am interested in the "edit fields from multiple tables on a single form". Seems to be the "killer-app" for my current problem.
Back to my custom find form. I am not really sure about it. I would create a custom form like you suggested before but where exactly should I place this form. I think I shall write a custom template for this and place it in the templates folder of my app?
The best would be to have the custom find form before my details and list view table. How can I reach that?
Currently I have something like:
{use_macro file="Dataface_Main_Template.html"}
{fill_slot name="main_column"}
Hersteller: | Serie/Baureihe: | Fahrzeug/Typ: |
Kraftstoff: | Umrüstsystem: | Ereignistyp: |
Ereignis: | Bundesland: | Betrieb: |
 |  |
which should be my custom find form.
Then second I would have to define a custum action, right? I am a little bit puzzled how it all works together. Do I have to use actions.ini?
Where do I place the php-Code for my custom find form? I think it has to go in a folder called pages, right? I didn't have such a folder before so I created one and put my custom_find.php there. Why not into the actions folder of my app?
I tried this already but could not really get something out of it. Maybe some hints?
Thank you