Stuck on permissions

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Postby Aahz » Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:11 pm

I can't seem to get permissions to actually take hold for some reason. I'm sure I'm missing some very simple step, but...

I went through and did everything EXACTLY as suggested. Essentially just cutting and pasting.

1) Used the SQL command under Figure 1 to make the new table

2) Copied over the "[_auth]" section of the conf.ini into my conf.ini and uploaded it to "../Monsters/" (which would be "../Program/" in the doc files

This made a login button appear on the site. This works fine, BTW.

3) Copied the ApplicationDelegate.php file into a blank txt document, saved it and uploaded it to the newly created "../conf/" directory

4) Ran the given SQL query on my database copied and pasted from the "Testing our application" section

This DID seem to create the users as I can now login as these users

5) Redid everything twice more because none of it has ANY effect on my site (except for the login appearing).

What I want is to have a single account (mine) that is the owner and can do everything. All other users (whether logged in or not, as there's no reason for anyone else to even have an accounton tihs site at the moment) should have Read Only access.

I'd like to hide some of the tables from them eventually, but right now I just need to keep others from adding/editing my records. And I'm at a loss to even create a situation where people are forced to login.
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby Aahz » Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:56 pm

I finally figured this out! And it only took like 5 hours :-\

I was creating the conf folder in

when I SHOULD have been creating it in

The use of the term "program directory" in the docs has been a MAJOR stumbling block for me on many issues, as I totally think of Monsters as a subdirectory of the "program directory" since it's at the same level as my actions, dataface, HTML, etc folders.
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby shannah » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:04 am

I find it best practice to keep the dataface folder outside of your application's directory (i.e. program's directory). e.g.
Dataface located at
and your program located at

That way it is easier to upgrade dataface independent of your program.
Glad you were able to figure it out.

In the future when posting these questions, it would be helpful to include as much relevant information about your setup as possible, as the information in the first post wouldn't have allowed me to offer any helpful insight on the problem.

Steve Hannah
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