This isn't a question, more like a statement with a 'Hope this won't break anything' attached. So I have Dataface installed on an OS X server with PHP 5/MySQL5/Apache 1.3-ish. The issue I was having was that every time I would submit a form from within the Database framwework, the port # 16080 was being appended to the url, so I would end up with:
The bad thing was, that in Safari, if I then submitted another form, that port would then be appended again, causing something like:
Which would of course be appended to all of the links on the page, causing them not to work. The problem had something to do with virtual hosts and the fact that (I think) each time you click a link inside Dataface, you redirect to the index page for further internal instruction.
Anyway, to the point. I managed to 'fix' this within Dataface by changing the following line in the '' file:
if ( !($protocol == 'https' and $port == 443 ) and !($protocol == 'http' and $port == 80) ){
$_SERVER['HOST_URI'] .= ':'.$port;
if ( !($protocol == 'https' and $port == 443 ) and !($protocol == 'http' and $port == 80) ){
Not sure if this will help anyone, or if it's a safe thing to do. Just thought I'd put it out there, since it took me a bit to figure it out.