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Postby InGearX » Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:43 am

Good day all Dataface looks great, but I am looking to just display the DB data for the most part... perhaps somone encountered something of :

Are there any ready to use sites/CMS that display your DB data in a presentable way for web users?

Say I have a 50K records database of doctors...

First_name, Last_name,Address_1, City, State, Zip, Tel, Fax, Other...

I would like to just take that DB and present it on the web...

Idealy the system would have:

- the pages organized by Last_name A, B, ... Z - this would let search engines pick this info up... and index and perhaps let users filter out by state or zip or anything else...

- And let users search the DB for anything...

- Display individual records and let users comment and rate on scale of 1-10 the record...

- Let the admin add/delete/modify records/user input...

- We can think of hundreds of other features - spam prevention, ability to have various layouts (in different languages) that encapsulate the records so that could be in English but could be in Japanese - but all still around the same DB...

What do you think - what kind of systems would you recommend? Are there any out there?

Thank you all...
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby njw » Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:22 am

You can do this with Dataface, provided you don't need the pages of names as separate pages of html code. Organising by last name, zip code or whatever is not difficult.

If you allow users to comment, I hope you have a good lawyer!!!

Posts: 280
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby shannah » Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:05 pm

- the pages organized by Last_name A, B, ... Z - this would let search engines pick this info up... and index and perhaps let users filter out by state or zip or anything else...

The dataface list view would work for this perfectly well. Since it always uses GET for pages that are displayed, search engines will pick it up fine. The default list view is organized in tabular form, where the user can sort on any of the columns. The good thing is that if the user sorts, the sort information is embedded into the GET request so that if the user bookmarks the page he can go back to his sorted results at any time.

- And let users search the DB for anything...

Dataface apps all have a find tab that allows for this.

- Display individual records and let users comment and rate on scale of 1-10 the record...

This would require a little php, but it wouldn't be hard to do. You just have a "ratings" table with columns for userid, recordid, and score.

- Let the admin add/delete/modify records/user input...


- We can think of hundreds of other features - spam prevention, ability to have various layouts (in different languages) that encapsulate the records so that could be in English but could be in Japanese - but all still around the same DB...

Yes.. This is precisely the sort of thing that Dataface is geared to. Your idea of having english and japanese built around the same database is also quite doable with dataface via the Query Translation extension (see for info about internationalization).

Best regards

Steve Hannah
@shannah78 (on twitter) blog
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Postby InGearX » Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:21 pm

>If you allow users to comment, I hope you have a good lawyer!!!
You may be right, but I think there is a law that protects websites... from what their users post... I'll need to look into that...

Thank you so much for your replies... looks like I will be playing around with this this weekend :)
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

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