Hello, I just looked over your project here (you were on the SFU frontpage) and have a few questions.
We are developing a new Environmental Health and Safety web presence (formerly integrateed into the HR website).
And one of the things just screaming for a web application is the current system we use for bio safety permits. Of course it's all in a local Filemaker DB. So....
Do you think its possible to use the school login system (Peoplesoft I guess) for session ID's?
How secure do you think it would be? Some confidential info about the research may be included in the permits.
Does the granularity in permissions you talked about for v0.6 allow for users only viewing and editing their own entry (permit)?
How easy would you think it is to include a permit status/changes system like encountered in Wiki's. Since permits once submitted and approved should be able to be frozen.
Would you potentially be available for such a job (or could you recommend someone)?
Sorry for the question frenzy, but its nice to see such a product being developed "inhouse".