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Create a new related record in a dashboard

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:09 am
by siggj
Hello !
I have a question about the dashboard. Actually, I use the dashboard from the wiki
It works perfectly ! :)

Now I have to know if it is possible to create a fonction that will add a new record related to a selected value...

From exemple, I have a Table "Groups" and a table "Users" and the user is in the groupe so i have a fk_groups in the "Users" table.
Now I want to do a dashboard like the url at the top. I want to create user in a selected group...

===> Create a new user in <select>list of group</select> ...

Anybody understand what I mean ? :D

Sorry for my English !
Thank You !

Re: Create a new related record in a dashboard

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:06 am
by siggj
It's ok, I found documentation and I tested some code by myself !