relationships - restrictions (roadmap)

A place to discuss development of the Xataface core.

Postby datajunkie » Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:43 am

Hi there,

i am new to dataface, seems to be very interesting, specually because some of my colleagues uses dataface.
I found at the beginners tutorial :
The WHERE clause of your SQL definition for the relationship must contain only '=' comparisons, and 'AND' conjunctions. i.e., it cannot receive an 'OR' conjunction, nor can comparisons be done using '>', or '<'. This is because given 'AND' and '=' conjunctions it is easy for dataface to be able to add records that will satisfy the relationship. If an 'OR' conjunction is used, it makes it ambiguous (though this will probably be corrected in future dataface releases.

Since i usually have database sets where this would be a severe restriction:
Will more flexible relationship-definitions possible in the future, and when?
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Postby shannah » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:05 pm

Hi Markus,

This one this one had sort of flown off my radar because I haven't had a need for this support in relationships, however it wouldn't be that difficult to add. In fact I think that relationships may still work with one of these operators - you just wouldn't be able to add records to the relationship using the "Add related record" button (i haven't tested this, so I'm not sure if it will object at some point).

The solution that will eventually enable support for this would involve the add related record forms to allow the user to specify values for the fields involved in the OR clauses, but would have to be constrained to only certain values.

This feature is not in the next release (0.8) and I'm not certain when I will have a chance to add it unless a client requests the feature, or it is needed for another purpose.

Steve Hannah
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Re: relationships - restrictions (roadmap)

Postby cparod » Thu May 20, 2010 1:09 pm


Thanks Devs for your hard work! Xataface is amazing, I was so glad to discover it.

Similar to above, I'm also new to using Xataface.

Is functionality planned for adding Selected Records to a many-to-many relationship from a list view?

perhaps existing_related_record.php and ExistingRelatedRecordForm.php could be modified to also accept '--selected-ids' as input instead of only looking at the current record

I'm building a Contacts database that will be used for marketing.
I have a Many-to-Many relationship between tables Contact and Campaign
'existing related record' will allow me to create records in the Junction table, however, I must select only one record to be added to the Junction table 'Contact_Campaign' at a time via a Select list. Rather tedious when you have 1200 Contact records you'd like to add to a Campaign record =)

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Re: relationships - restrictions (roadmap)

Postby shannah » Mon May 24, 2010 3:02 pm

This functionality would certainly be nice. I would like to implement this but am not sure when I will have time. Currently no projects that I am working on demand this feature so its priority is kind of shuffled to the back....
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