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PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:48 am
by zopemgr
- i saw an add-on modules folder. Is there a documentation to write modules ?
- i use ovientia product ( I manage with it users directory, workflows, ACL. I plan to write dataface module for this product but i must know dataface in deep, not the case at this time... Do you plan to write such modules for joomla, SPIP or other CMS/portals products ?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:19 am
by shannah

I added the modules folder a while back with the idea of being able to build modules for Dataface. However this folder doesn't do anything right now. I think it would be nice to have some sort of module framework but I don't know exactly how it should work at this time. The way that dataface is designed, it is already quite modular. I can see that it may be useful to make wrappers so that Dataface can be used as a module within other products like Drupal, etc... but I haven't put much thought into how this would work as I have no need for such features yet.

Any ideas you may have as far as modules go are appreciated though. If you have an ideas for integrating Dataface with Ovidentia, I am interested to know them and will provide whatever assistance you need if you want to try to put them together.

Best regards
