sql parser problem

I recently updated librariandb from version 0.2 309 to 0.3.2 2530, after i added readded conf.ini and files under tables/books to fit my needs. The reason was php 4 -> php 5.3.6 and mysql 4.x -> mysql 5 .
./tables/books/valuelists.ini contains:
./tables/books/fields.ini contains:
I don't have any problem logging in(the sql parses ok), but clicking edit on a book i get the error below.
It seems like there's some kind of problem with the dataface mysql connector that the old version did not have regarding Otherdb.othertable.
..btw virtual_lib is the db name of librariandb.
Can you help?
I recently updated librariandb from version 0.2 309 to 0.3.2 2530, after i added readded conf.ini and files under tables/books to fit my needs. The reason was php 4 -> php 5.3.6 and mysql 4.x -> mysql 5 .
./tables/books/valuelists.ini contains:
- Code: Select all
__sql__ = "select category_id, category_name from books_categories order by category_name"
__sql__ = "select medium_id, medium_name from books_media order by medium_name"
__sql__ = "select Personal.Personal_ID as userid, SUBSTRING_INDEX(mailbox.username,'@',1) as username from postfix.mailbox, condica.Personal where (LOWER(CONCAT(Personal.prenume,'.',Personal.nume))= LOWER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(mailbox.username,'@',1)) and mailbox.username != '\.') order by username"
./tables/books/fields.ini contains:
- Code: Select all
I don't have any problem logging in(the sql parses ok), but clicking edit on a book i get the error below.
It seems like there's some kind of problem with the dataface mysql connector that the old version did not have regarding Otherdb.othertable.
..btw virtual_lib is the db name of librariandb.
- Code: Select all
Fatal error: Error performing mysql query to get column information from table 'Personal'. The mysql error returned was : 'Table 'virtual_lib.Personal' doesn't exist'.
On line 547 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Table.php in function printStackTrace()
On line 472 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Table.php in function Dataface_Table(Personal,Resource id #13,)
On line 470 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Relationship.php in function loadTable(Personal,Resource id #13)
On line 377 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Relationship.php in function _normalizeColumns()
On line 109 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Relationship.php in function _init(array(select Personal.Personal_ID as userid, SUBSTRING_INDEX(mailbox.username,'@',1) as username fro)
On line 3425 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Table.php in function Dataface_Relationship(books,users__valuelist,array(select Personal.Personal_ID as userid, SUBSTRING_INDEX(mailbox.username,'@',1) as username fro)
On line 208 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/ValuelistTool.php in function addRelationship(users__valuelist,array(select Personal.Personal_ID as userid, SUBSTRING_INDEX(mailbox.username,'@',1) as username fro)
On line 45 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/FormTool/select.php in function asRelationship(Dataface_Table Object,users)
On line 426 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/FormTool.php in function buildWidget(Dataface_Record Object,array(borrower_id,int(11),YES,,,,books,array(Borrower id,,books.borrower_id.label,books.borrower_id.,Dataface_QuickForm Object,borrower_id,)
On line 347 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/QuickForm.php in function buildWidget(Dataface_Record Object,array(borrower_id,int(11),YES,,,,books,array(Borrower id,,books.borrower_id.label,books.borrower_id.,Dataface_QuickForm Object,borrower_id,,array(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,)
On line 488 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/QuickForm.php in function _buildWidget(array(borrower_id,int(11),YES,,,,books,array(Borrower id,,books.borrower_id.label,books.borrower_id.,array(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,)
On line 68 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/actions/edit.php in function _build()
On line 1309 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Application.php in function handle(array(array(Edit,some-url)
On line 1756 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Application.php in function handleRequest()
On line 22 of file /arhive/www/internal/library/index.php in function display()
in /arhive/www/internal/library/dataface/Dataface/Table.php on line 547
Can you help?