Post Installation - Fatal error: Class 'Dataface_Error' ...

after the mysql's version problem i move my site into another hosting (php 5 and mysql 5.xx)
and i obtain this error (after create the db and the tables follow the install.php instructions):
the path xxx/xxx/ it's hide for security reason
i obtain the same error if i try php4 and mysql 5...
after the mysql's version problem i move my site into another hosting (php 5 and mysql 5.xx)
and i obtain this error (after create the db and the tables follow the install.php instructions):
- Code: Select all
Fatal error: Class 'Dataface_Error' not found in xxxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxx/public_html/dataface/Dataface/Application.php on line 620
the path xxx/xxx/ it's hide for security reason
i obtain the same error if i try php4 and mysql 5...