Xataface HTML Reports Module 0.2
HTML Reports Module for Xataface
Using Calculated Fields
See also:
Advanced Template Creation

This section is just inserted as a reminder that you can use Xataface's ability to define calculated fields in a table's delegate class if the fields available to you are insufficient for your report purposes.

See also:
http://xataface.com/wiki/field__fieldname For more information about calculated fields.

Calculated fields can be added to templates the same way that regular fields can be added. There is no difference in the placeholder macro. E.g. A template containing {$year} makes no distinction to whether year is a regular field or a calculated field. It will display it regardless.

Adding Calculated Fields with the WYSIWYG Editor

Adding calculated fields through the WYSIWYG editor is almost the same as adding normal fields. The only difference is that you should expand the Calculated Fields node in the field browser instead of the Fields node. All of the calculated fields for the table are listed under there.

See also:
Inserting a Field
Advanced Template Creation
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