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Getting related records
One thing you'll want to do is to grab related records in Xataface. Say for example, you have an abstract record that belongs to a conference. In the relationships.ini file of your abstract table, you would include something like this:br /br /blockquotebr /[Conference]br /conference.ConferenceID="$AbstractConferenceID"br //blockquotebr /br /Where the conference is the name of the conference table, ConferenceID is the name of the index of that table, and $AbstractConferenceID is the foreign ID in your abstract record that corresponds to the the particular record in the conference table. Note the name of the relationship is "Conference."br /br /In Xataface, if you have an abstract record you can quickly retrieve the related conference by simply doing this:br /br /blockquotebr /$conference = $record-getRelatedRecord('Conference')br //blockquotebr /br /This will retrieve the conference as a xataface_related_record object. It is important to realize that this is not the same thing as a xataface_record. If you want to convert this related_record object into a xataface_record object you can use the toRecord() function:br /br /blockquote$conference = $record-getRelatedRecord('Conference')-toRecord();/blockquotebr /br /This is a powerful technique that can save a lot of time.
Date posted
Tue Dec 16 15:38:00 2008
Posted by
noreply@blogger.com (Fong Chun Chan)
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Fong's Blog
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